- When I began my journey, I was severely overweight (5 '9" 291 lbs)
- I'm almost impossible to motivate
- My attention span, no matter what I'm focusing on, rarely lasts longer than 3 weeks
Since mid-April, I've upped the amount of physical activity I do from absolute zero to what I'd say is "moderately active". I spent the first 2 months walking a few miles each day, ocasionally getting some friends to get together for basketball or disc golf a couple times a week. In June a few of my friends and I decided to start training for a 5K using coolrunnings.com's "Couch to 5K" program. This is one of the best gradual running programs out there, and if you are thinking about getting started running, it is pretty unintimidating and eases you into each run pretty well. When we started this training program I also began (and have since eased off of a bit) a pretty strict diet that I got from runnersworld.com titled "The Runner's Diet". Its a pretty nice resource of high energy foods that are low in calories if you are trying to cut back. Even if you aren't dieting, and are just looking for some ways to boost energy, its got a great list of foods and teaches you the benefits of each type of calorie.
So now here I am, about 4 months after having started trying to better myself. As far as weight goes, I've gone from 291 to 227 as of this morning, still about 50 pounds away from where I was at the end of high school, but progress is progress. I'm getting ready to start week 7 of the Couch to 5K program, but unfortunately I don't have a 5K planned for any time too close after I finish the training, so I'm going to have to wait until November 7th for the one Bass Pro is hosting. Odds are I'll probably find one in October to try first, but I'll wait for a good opportunity to present itself.
I've typed up quite a bit of information about myself and my journey to get into shape, but nothing about a marathon yet. Well, almost a year to the day that I started my walking regiment there is going to be a marathon in my home town of Kansas City. I sort of took it as someone telling me I needed to give this a try. I've really enjoyed all the reading I've done on running and training plans, and I think trying to come up with (or follow a good pre-existing) training plan will be a lot of fun. By the time I'm done with my Couch to 5K plan, I'll have about 7 months until this April marathon. I'm confident that will be enough time for me to get the marathon done in my goal time (under 6 hours currently). I know its not the most ambitious goal, but "running" a 13:40 pace for 26.2 miles sounds impossible to me right now, and I don't want to overwhelm myself.
So that is a bunch of poorly written information about me and my quest for a marathon. My plan is to make a post each week summing up my training for the week and occasionally some thoughts on running, runners, shoes, gadgets, whatever. Thanks for reading, I know it was painful, and I refuse to edit it.
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